30组托福写作高分搭配,学会了真的很加分! 您所在的位置:网站首页 care for health翻译 30组托福写作高分搭配,学会了真的很加分!


#30组托福写作高分搭配,学会了真的很加分!| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

固定搭配的积累及使用,是体现文章语言地道性的关键之一。汉语中我们会讲“一头牛”“一匹马”,但不会说“一匹牛”“一个马”。同样在英文中,成绩很好是下大雨是“heavy rain”而非是“big rain”...


其实这一点在托福独立写作的评分标准中也有明确的提及“appropriate word choice”,需要注意的是,官方评分标准并不要求advanced (高级)词汇,而是appropriate (合适、恰当)的词汇。所以,同学们在学习写作词汇及搭配中,需要更关注具体的词汇及搭配的用法。



 School & Education


feel peer pressure释义:感到来自同龄人的压力例句:Some adolescents feel repellent to go to schools because they feel peer pressure.



pursue one’s individual interest


例句:There are many activities and clubs in our schoolit gives us a great chance to pursue our individual interests.翻译:学校里有很多活动以及俱乐部,给了我们追求自己兴趣的机会。


compulsory subjects

释义:必修科目例句:English, Maths, ICT and science are compulsory subjects.



extracurricular activities


例句:Don't you think you spent too much time on extracurricular activities



get a good grade

释义:取得好成绩例句:Don’t  worry  about the exam. I believe you can get a good grade.翻译:不用担心考试,我相信你能取得一个好成绩。

 Family & Society


be hospitable to


例句:Some restaurants are inhospitable to the poor.翻译:有些餐馆对穷人不友好。

follow in one‘s footsteps

释义:效仿某人例句:He wanted to follow his father's footsteps and become a doctor.翻译:他想跟随父亲的脚步做一名医生。

it is generally agreed that


例句:It is generally agreed that smoking is bad for health.翻译:人们普遍认为吸烟有害健康。

put down roots

释义:扎根例句:When they got to Beijing, they put down roots and built a life.翻译:到了北京后,他们便在那里扎根并过上了新生活。

support a famliy释义:养家例句:I want a salary adequate to support my family.翻译:我要一份足够养家的薪水。

 Economy& Business


be in great demand

释义:需求旺盛例句:I can safely say that you will be in great demand someday. 翻译:我能保证有一天需要你的人会很多。

boost the economy释义:促进经济发展

例句:The government is hoped to take action to boost the economy. 翻译:人们希望政府采取行动促进经济发展。

make ends meet

释义:收支平衡例句:With the high cost of living, it's tough to make ends meet.


raise the prestige of


例句:Investment in scientific research can raise the prestige of the businesses,翻译:对科学研究的投资可以提高企业的信誉

work overtime释义:加班例句:They're working overtime to get the job done on time. 翻译:他们加班是为了准时完成工作。

 Living & Thinking


have a workout释义:锻炼例句:Get up, have breakfast, have a workout, do something great outside.翻译:起床、吃早饭、做运动,然后在户外做些有意思的事情。

look up to


例句:They adored him and looked up to him.翻译:他们崇拜他,敬仰他。

stay up late

释义:熬夜例句:I used to stay up late with my mom and watch movies.翻译: 我以前总是和妈妈一起熬夜看电影。

suffer sleep deprivation释义:失眠

例句:Millions more suffer from serious sleep deprivation caused by long work hours.翻译:还有数百万人由于工作时数长导致他们严重睡眠不足

take one's side

释义:支持某人例句:He tell me forthright just why he refuse to take my side.翻译:他直率地告诉我他不肯站在我这一边的原因。

 Health & Environment



stay in shape释义:保持身体健康,保持身材

例句:You need to get up, move, stay in shape.翻译: 你需要站起来,多运动,保持良好的体型。

get over an illness

释义:战胜疾病例句:He finally got over the illness.翻译:他终于恢复了健康。

nonrenewable resources


例句:We must protect the environment and conserve nonrenewable resources.翻译:我们必须保护环境,保存不可再生资源。

preserve the environment


例句:It is highly important to preserve the environment.翻译:维护自然环境至关重要。

purify polluted air


例句:The trees inside the park help to absorb carbon dioxide and other polluted air, and to purify the air.翻译:公园里的树木有助于吸收二氧化碳,净化空气




 Science & Technology



keep in touch with


例句:Do you still keep in touch with her?翻译:你现在还和她联系吗?

make an online purchase释义:网上购物例句:Traffic problems near shopping centers have reduced as many people make online purchases.翻译:由于很多人在网上购物,购物中心的交通问题也在减少。

facilitate communication

释义:促进交流例句:I believe the use of the lnternet does not facilitate communication but impedes it.翻译:我认为,互联网不会促进交流,反而会阻碍交流。

arch for information


例句:Thanks to the Internet, searching for information has become easier than before.翻译:由于网络,搜索信息比以前更容易了。

process information with a computer释义:用计算机处理信息

例句:It is much easier and more accurate to process information with a computer than to use your brain.翻译:用电脑处理信息比用人脑更简单、更准确。






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